We have several indoor and outdoor projects to ready the Trinity campus for spring.
IMPORTANT! Due to the weather forecast on April 6th, we are limiting the work on this day to indoor tasks. We’ll get started around 8:00 am. Outdoor work has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 13th from 9:30 am – noon.
Indoor projects for April 6th:
- Install plywood baseboard in the west storage closet of the gym.
- Inspect folding partitions in the gym and make repairs.
- Replace water stained ceiling tiles around the building.
Outdoor projects for April 13th:
- Move / spread mulch pile located in the north parking lot.
- Trim low hanging tree branches over the sidewalks.
- Complete river rock drain beds below down spouts on east side of building.
- Install additional gravel beds along gym foundation.
- Move paint stored in various locations around our building to the new storage bin and evaluate for retention or disposal.
Whether you can give an hour, or give the entire morning on either Saturday, we can use your help. Please contact Hank Barger or the church office for further details.