As a church within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), we follow the Presbyterian pattern of church government which vests governing authority primarily in elected members known as elders. We also elect members to the Office of Deacon whose ministry roll is one of compassion and service. In that pattern, we at Trinity elect members to the offices of Elder and Deacon for three-year terms and are now initiating that annual process by accepting nominations for these offices for the Class of 2022.
Ruling elders and deacons are men and women elected by the congregation from among its members. The nomination and election of ruling elders and deacons shall express the rich diversity of the congregation’s membership and shall guarantee participation and inclusiveness (F-1.0403). Ruling elders and deacons shall be nominated by a committee elected by the congregation, drawn from and representative of its membership. Congregations may provide by their own rule for a congregational nominating committee, provided that the committee shall consist of at least three active members of the congregation, and shall include at least one ruling elder who is currently serving on the session. The pastor shall serve ex officio and without vote. When elections are held, full opportunity shall always be given to the congregation for nomination from the floor of the congregational meeting by any active member of the congregation. A majority of all the active members present and voting shall be required to elect. (Book of Order, G-2.0401)
The Nominating Committee would like members of the Congregation to prayerfully consider nominees for the Office of Elder and Deacon for the Class of 2022. You may download a copy of the nominating form here or pick one up in the church office. Nominations will be accepted by the Committee through July 8, 2018.