Learning for Adults
There are two main strategies that we have for studying the Scriptures in community. The first strategy is through our Growth Group ministries, and our second strategy is through our classes.
Growth Groups
At Trinity, we are extremely committed to our Growth Groups! They are the core of our adult ministry. The mission of these small groups is to help us grow in relationships with one another and with Christ. It is here that you will find fellowship in committed community, learn and study the Bible, and serve our neighbors and church together. These groups of 8 to 12 adults meet in a person’s home or at the church and the study is based on the passage of Scripture that we examined during Sunday’s Worship. Growth Group sessions run in the Fall and in the Spring.
Call the church office for more information.
Growth Group FAQs
What is a Growth Group?
Growth Groups are groups of 8 to 12 adults who meet once a week to fellowship, study God’s Word, and support one another through prayer. The groups also commit to serve together in the community at least once during the semester.
Why does our Church believe Growth Groups are so important?
Our mission behind Growth Groups is to help us grow in relationships with one another and with Christ. We find these small gatherings of people to be primary in our church mission of making and growing disciples who give their lives to make a difference in the world.
How long is a semester?
Growth groups meet in the spring and fall for a total of 10-12 weeks each semester.
Where and when do the Growth Groups meet?
The Growth Groups generally meet at members’ homes. The hosts’ addresses are provided at the sign-up table.
How do I sign up?
Sign-ups are held for two-three weeks prior to the start up of the semester. The sheets are located in church lobby.
What will the groups study?
Groups will be doing a sermon/scripture-based study. You will listen to the sermon on Sunday (or online during the week if you can’t make it to church) and discuss it and the scripture at your Growth Group meeting.
Will childcare be provided?
Some groups have childcare provided. See the description for each group for more information.
Please contact the church office for more information.
One of the primary ways that we learn is through our different classes. We study the Bible to grow deeper in our faith and to learn all that we can about our Awesome God.
All three adult classes are currently leading in-depth and scholarly studies of different biblical books. All classes meet in-person on Sundays at Trinity at 10:45 am, with Dan’s class still offering the ability to attend via Zoom as well. Middle School and High school students are welcome to attend any of the following adult classes!
Sunday Mornings @10:45
Worship Center
Jay Steele and Cary Ditman lead a Bible ’25 class, discussing the weekly readings.
Adult Classroom (across from the office)
Dan Lyons leads a study on the book of Psalms beginning February 9th.
Classroom #4
Chalie Galligan leads a a Bible ’25 class, discussing the weekly readings.
During The Week
Women’s Bible Study – to be resumed soon.